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How to Cultivate & Sustain Mindfulness

about me

true healing involves the entirety of a person, not just individual parts.

hello! i am jose

i discovered the path of mindfulness nearly a decade ago. i have been deep in my practice since 2019 and i officially started a two year mindful meditation teacher certification programme in 2023 under the guidance of tara brach and jack kornfield

my journey in meditation has been so transformative that is my calling to inspire other people to dive deep and witness the unfolding of their true nature. love loving itself.

We bring together



Spiritual Health

4-week 60-minute sessions

1 -introduction to mindfulness meditation

logistics, group guidelines,

and introductions. this course is focused on practice. we will unpack the definition of mindfulness, its benefits and common

misconceptions about meditation.

2 - being fully human: working with emotions

working with emotions, start with the breath and body, then move into awareness of emotions and applied self-compassion. the importance of learning your window of tolerance and other skilful compassionate strategies that will deepen your practice and create space.

3- the wise heart

what are lovingkindness (metta), compassion,

joy, and equanimity? we will dive into guided heart practices

that will bring a tender open awareness to ourselves and those around us.

each class is divided into four stages: welcome, instruction & practice, dharma talk and q&a session

4 - bringing your practice into the world

review of previous practices: start with breath, body, sounds, emotions, thoughts, and ending with metta practice to send lovingkindness to self, others,

and the world.

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Wednesday’s at 7:00pm BST / 2:00pm ET via zoom link

Number 1
Number 2

introduction to mindfulness meditation


Number 3

being fully human: working with emotions


Number 4

the wise heart


bringing your practice into the world


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Why choose me

supporting underrepresented groups

growing up part of the LGBTQ+ community was never the easiest journey.

from wanting to fit in and being accepted, to avoiding conflict with myself and others. these deep wounds never fully heal.

we all share the same pain, the worlds pain from past conditioning. knowing it is not our fault is both liberating and spacious.

if you are part of any underrepresented group this is your space. our space.

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for more information about the course i am currently undertaking please click here

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start your journey

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